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What is is an innovative website dedicated to advancing OCIO services through education, advocacy, and insight. Strategic designed in consultation with other industry participants as a resource for a wide range of stakeholders, including:

  • business leaders and investment committees that may be considering outsourcing their investment needs; 
  • institutions that have already hired an OCIO and want to make the most of their relationship; and
  • clients and industry professionals interested in advancing the OCIO business model through best practices, transparency, and critical thinking.

The main purpose of is to help existing and potential clients of OCIOs understand and maximize the benefits of an OCIO relationship. The website also seeks to highlight and preserve the distinctive features of the OCIO business model and promote best practices across the industry.

View and download these unique “toolkit” graphics and sample pages of “deep dive” presentations designed to clarify critical OCIO concepts. 

The content is updated regularly, so please check back often or subscribe to the mailing list.

Toolkits IC Agenda screenshot

Deep Dive Educational Modules


Image of Educational Module 1

See » Deep Dive Module 1 - Investment Governance Models 

Image of Educational Module 1

See » Deep Dive Module 2 - Get to Know OCIO

Image of Educational Model 3

See » Deep Dive Module 3 - OCIO vs. Other Outsourcing Options

Image of Educational Model 4

See » Deep Dive Module 4 - Finding the Right OCIO