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Research and Publications

Strategic is deeply committed to cutting-edge research, offering our clients insights and perspectives on investment and governance topics to help them carry out their roles as institutional investors and fiduciaries. 

Fiduciary Insights

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A series of publications on broad investment issues dedicated to those sharing the responsibility as a fiduciary, recognizing the importance of this role in guiding the overall success of an investment program.

Strategic Perspectives

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A series of in-depth research papers on topics of interest to the investment community based on our analysis and insights.

Investment Briefs

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A quarterly series focusing on timely investment topics.

Market Commentary

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The Market Commentary reports on the recent performance of global asset classes and offers our perspective on what may lie ahead.

Sustainability Report


An annual report which provides greater insight into the work we do to expand our clients' ability to implement their long-term missions through client-specific incorporation of ESG and DEI factors. 

White Papers

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A series of current research papers.